Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pet Peeves of Customer Service: Part 1

Hello again! It's been a long day and I am feeling particularly ranty, so I figured now was an excellent time to begin my list of my biggest customer service pet peeves. I haven't been posting much lately anyway, so it's high time I caught up.

Trust me , I have collected an exorbitant amount of these over the years, so I'll break my list down into different segments of 5 peeves per post. They aren't in any particular order - I tried, but attempting to rank these into a list of which ones irritate me the most has proven to be too difficult a challenge. So sit back and enjoy - if you've ever worked customer service, I'm sure you'll commiserate. If you haven't, NEVER act like this, because if you do, I'll probably blog about you, and it probably won't be pretty.
But anyway, without further ado, the first portion of my list:

1. Customers who come up to me on their cell phones, broadcasting to the world about how Bubby got a new tractor, or how Papaw's hemorrhoids are healing. That's fantastic - tell Bubby I said congratulations, and give Papaw my condolences - but seriously, there are few things more rude than this. I will blatantly refuse to speak to anyone who comes up to me on a cell phone - if you can't give me the courtesy of hanging up your phone, I can't give you the courtesy of speaking to you. Bubby and Papaw can wait five minutes until you're done at the register. 

2. "Mart Karts" and the destruction they cause. It's not mother-fucking bumper cars, so the point is NOT to crash into as many displays as you can. Also, nine times out ten they're not disabled, they're just fat. Get out of the damn scooter and walk - trust me, you need it.

3. Those people who pull their food stamp card out of their ridiculously huge Prada bag, then proceed to drive away in their even more ridiculously huge Hummer.

4. Those people who stand there and watch me painstakingly bag their entire order of cumbersome, difficult objects, only to say at the end, "Oh, that's okay, I don't need a bag." Well, you know what? You're going to take the bag, and you're going to like it. Also, you know those people who put everything in a plastic bag, which is then put inside their "green" cloth grocery bag, thus defeating the purpose of said "green" bag? Yeah, I don't like them either.

5. Wet money, sock money, bra money, jock strap money... you get the picture. Many perfectly lovely cows have sacrificed their lives to provide leather to make wallets. We sell plenty here in our store at a reasonable price, so there is no reason in the world why one should use their sweaty sock, bra, or crotch as a currency holder. You're at a department store, not a strip club.

That's all for now - I've gotten it out of my system for the moment - but there are plenty more where those came from, so stay tuned. :)


  1. When I was in deli if someone was on their cell phone, I went back to what I had more important shit to do than wait on them to finish their conversation. Annoying as hell!!

  2. That was supposed to say what I was doing. Haha!

  3. now there just needs to be a post about the lazy/inconsiderate customers who see lights on at the registers, see cashiers WAITING for them, and yet still decide to interupt service desk in mid sentance over the intercom to ask "can I check out here?"

    you best be bracing yourself for an outraged outburst if you even politely say "it would take me a few minutes but there are registers just about 20 feet forward." they tend to get cranky with any mention of extending their legs for the extra 5 steps.
